
Watch this short video for detailed information about our power restoration process.

While we're committed to delivering reliable electric service, power outages are inevitable. Our service area of West Central Florida is prone to severe weather such as tropical storms, 飓风和洪水. To ensure we restore service as quickly as possible, we prepare and train year-round by developing and completing mock storm drills and power restoration scenarios, 测试应急响应计划, making investments in smart technology and hardening our system through our 风暴防护计划. Our proactive approach ensures we continue delivering 99.98% service reliability in blue skies and gray by reducing storm damage, power outage durations and restoration costs. 

在恶劣天气下, when unpredictable safety hazards pose a risk to you and our crew members, 安全是十大国际老虎机平台的首要任务. That’s why conditions must be safe before our crews can restore power. To learn more about severe weather safety, visit our 风暴安全 页面.

当电源中断时, we take a priority restoration approach so our community can recover quickly. First, we ensure our power plants and transmission lines are in proper working order. 下一个, we restore power to essential services like hospitals, police and fire stations. 然后, we focus on public services such as communication providers, supermarkets and home/building supply centers. 在那之后,十大国际老虎机平台恢复 power to the largest groups of customers in the shortest amount of time until every home and business has their power restored.


It's important to know that during widespread outages, 只要天气允许, 十大国际老虎机平台开始进行损失评估. We evaluate the severity of damage to power lines and infrastructure, identify affected areas and assess safety risks. Restoration coincides with this process and begins as soon as it is safe.  

  • 根据十大国际老虎机平台的评估, we may estimate a “global restoration time” - this is a date and time when we expect to have restored power to the majority of customers whose homes and businesses can safely receive it.  
  • Many customers will have power restored before the global restoration time. The global estimated restoration time takes into consideration many factors including damage extent, location and the number of utility workers that we can safely allow to be working on our system at one time.  



Our priority restoration plan helps restore power as safely and quickly as possible.

During power restorations, we serve all customers equally. 然而, 由于风暴和基础设施的破坏, it is possible for your neighbors' power to come back on while yours is still out. 发生这种情况的原因有很多.

  1. Restoration crews may have to make repairs at multiple locations along a single electric service line. 
  2. Customers in the same neighborhood can be on different service lines that have not been repaired yet. 
  3. Damage to your electrical equipment or meter may prohibit power restoration to your home. 

Regardless of the situation, we will not stop working until everyone's power has been restored.

Watch this short video for detailed information about our power restoration process.


To report it and get updates about the status of your electric service:
  • 注册接收中断通知. 您可以接收文本*, 电子邮件, and/or phone calls regarding your service and other important information.
  • 文本  to 27079 报告中断. 文本 更新 or 状态 有关您报告的中断的更新.
  • 访问十大国际老虎机平台的 停机地图 to report and track outages in your neighborhood. You can learn the cause and restoration status in addition to the number of customers affected and the estimated restoration time.

*消息和数据速率可能适用. If the number you text from is not recognized, you will need to register to report outages and get updates. For new registrations, please have your 12-digit account number and zip code available.
